How to Be a Good Listener (Article 12)

Listen for a few minutes before talking. Listen for body language. Listen for non-verbal cues. Listen for tone. Listen for your own feelings and emotions. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you.

You’ll be amazed by the difference in quality of communication when you’re listening and when you’re talking.

Step 1: Identify What You Want to Know

When you’re listening, identify what you want to learn. It can be about your client, or it can be about yourself. When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re identifying your own feelings and how to change them.

Step 2: Learn How to Listen

When you listen, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen to your client. Listen to yourself. Don’t interrupt. Don’t argue. Don’t try to prove anything.

Step 3: Listen for Body Language

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re identifying your own feelings and how to change them. You’re becoming a better communicator. Listen for your client’s body language. Notice their gestures. Look for non-verbal clues.

Step 4: Pay Attention to Tone

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for your client’s voice. Listen for the inflection of their voice. Listen for their tone. Notice if their tone changes as they speak.

Step 5: Listen for Non-Verbal Cues

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for your client’s tone. Listen for the inflection of their voice. Listen for their mood. Notice if their mood changes.

Step 6: Listen for What They’re Really Trying to Tell You

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 7: Identify What You Want to Say

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 8: Choose Your Words Wisely

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 9: Use Appropriate Emotions

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 10: Answer Their Questions

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 11: Ask More Questions

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 12: Offer an Opinion

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 13: Repeat

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 14: Give Your Client a Response

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 15: Reflect on Your Own Actions

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 16: Follow Up

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 17: Identify Your Strengths

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 18: Identify Your Weaknesses

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator. Listen for what your client is really trying to tell you. Listen for their feelings and emotions. Listen for their tone. Listen for their voice. Listen for their body language.

Step 19: Change Your Behavior

When you’re listening, you’re learning. You’re also being a better communicator.

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